Mostly cloudy, warm, humid, and windy today. Wind gusts may approach 40 mph at times. Rain and thunderstorms will move through the area midday into the evening starting up north late morning and ending up down in the Suncoast by the evening hours. Any of these storms may be briefly strong or even severe. Once the rain moves through tonight, look for sunny and cooler weather to move in and last through the weekend.
Forecast: Warm and windy with midday and afternoon storms likely
Florida's Most Accurate Forecast

Mostly cloudy, warm, humid and windy today. Wind gusts may approach 40 mph at times. Rain and thunderstorms will move through the area midday into the evening starting up north late morning and ending up down in the Suncoast by the evening hours. Any of these storms may be briefly strong or even severe. Once the rain moves through tonight, look for sunny and cooler weather to move in and last through the weekend.

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