

Forecast: Partly sunny with a slight chance of PM rain. Watching tropics

Florida's Most Accurate Forecast

Good morning! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Our sunny, dry, and warm weather will continue into Monday.

Look for morning temperatures to be very comfortable in the 70s. The humidity will definitely be around but it will be a tad more comfy, like we saw back on Sunday. Add to that a nice east breeze and the temperatures should be feeling nice down to the coast.

Expect that east breeze to continue into the afternoon. East winds tend to push the heat to the beaches so even the coast should easily get above 90 degrees this afternoon. This east wind will be a bit more noticeable tomorrow and could push temperatures a bit more into the 90s near the coast. Some towns could be near record highs on Tuesday.

Though a few showers are possible both Monday and Tuesday afternoon, the coverage looks rather low at around 20% with many of these showers being small and quick moving. Leave your umbrella at home.

Mid to late week will be dominated by the system in the Gulf. Although as of Monday morning, the track of this storm looks to stay well west of us, this "track" is only for the center. The storm itself will be huge and will impact our area with rain and some wind. Humidity levels will surge during the day on Wednesday and areas of rain are likely to begin during the day on Wednesday too.

Thursday looks to be the roughest for us as the storm passes to our west likely as a hurricane. Rain bands with thunderstorms, potential tornadoes, and localized flooding from rain are all possible. Wind gusts over 40 mph are also possible along the coast if the system tracks close enough to us. Obviously, these winds will cause rough water conditions Wednesday through the end of the week. Check with us often for updates on this storm and follow all of our meteorologists on social media for frequent updates as soon as new data arrives.

Have a great week!