Cooler weather returns....for about 36 hours.
Although Thursday morning will be cooler, temperatures will not be all that cold. Most towns will start the day in the 60s. The thing that will make it feel colder, is the wind, which will be strong out of the northwest all day on Thursday. That wind will lock cold air in during the day not allowing highs to get out of the 60s despite sunny skies.
The coldest morning of the week will be Friday with temperatures dipping down into the 40s Friday morning. Winds will be much lighter Friday and with skies still sunny, we'll quickly forget about the cold Friday afternoon with highs back in the mid-70s.
The cold air will be completely gone on Saturday with both warmer temperatures, in the upper 70s, and higher humidity too. That increase in humidity will be ahead of the next storms that will impact our area late this weekend.
Although Sunday may not be 100% dry, it does look like the majority of the day will in-fact be rain free. It's really late in the day that we'll see clouds increase and the chance of showers really start to move in.
The rain will be sct'd Sunday night and some of the showers may even last into Monday morning. By Monday afternoon, however, we'll see sunny skies return. Although Monday will be a little cooler, warm air will return quickly and most towns across central Florida will likely see highs in the 80s beginning Wednesday of next week.
Have a good Thursday!