

USF women's lacrosse prepares for first public match-up

The new program looks to build energy and momentum
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TAMPA, Fla. — "A lot of people here still don’t know that we have a lacrosse team," freshman Taylor DeMarco joked before hitting the field for Wednesday's practice.

USF does have a division one women's lacrosse program. The only issue is, per NCAA rules, they can't compete in official games until the spring of 2025. Despite the wait, players like DeMarco are entirely buying into the dream that USF is selling.

"It’s definitely the best thing I could’ve imagined for myself because we get a year to adjust from high school to college," DeMarco, a New Jersey native, added. "We have a year to build together as a team. Our coaches get to learn how to coach us individually, and we get to learn from them a whole year before we actually play."

21 of the 27 Bulls on the current roster are first-year players. Juliana George played four years at VCU before transferring to USF. She brings some much-needed game experience to a young line-up.

"Knowing what to expect is a big part of this. Helping them walk through things they don’t know are going to happen," George, an attacker, said. "It’s even good because I get to learn from them. They bring the light, fun energy, which is good."

2025 isn't exactly what you'd call "right around the corner," but head coach Mindy McCord says you wouldn't know it by watching her team practice daily.

"These young ladies are so hard-working. They have great work ethic. They bring the energy every day," McCord said. "They’re building and creating a legacy. But now, for it to be live and us growing in our acumen as a team, building our culture has been really fun."

Saturday, the Bulls will host St. Leo and Florida Southern for a mini-round robin exhibition. The featured game is at 2 P.M. when USF takes on Florida Southern. Since the sport is new to USF and relatively new to casual sports fans in Tampa Bay, the public address announcer will explain in-game rules to help fans understand the game while enjoying the action.

"There are a lot of rules. And it’s a big part of the game, especially with the new rule changes," George continued. "So just growing the game and educating people more about the sport of lacrosse will make it more enjoyable when people watch it."

The team wears jerseys with the phrase "EARN IT" across the front to remind themselves that there's a long way to go before they prove they can become a winning program.

"We made it here, but we still have to work every day and get better," DeMarco, a defender, added. "And we’re working toward winning a championship our first year, and that’s not going to come easily."

"It’s a big commitment and accomplishment to be able to wear “South Florida,” and earning it is huge for our team," George said.

Coach McCord says there's no problem with hurrying up and waiting simultaneously- as long you hurry the way her team does.

"They love what they do, and this game- they have a big “why” for why they play it."