TAMPA, Fla. — The Hillsborough County School Board is asking voters to decide on a property tax increase to ensure competitive salaries to retain and recruit high quality teachers and staff.
The referendum will be on the November ballot.
We asked voters about the referendum and many of them support it since it benefits teachers.
"Especially since COVID, it's more important than ever to retain the people who are the most important to giving our children an education," said Melissa Spring.
If the millage passes, the tax will remain in effect for four years (July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2029).
The school district said it would generate an estimated $177 million each year.
Property owners would pay $1 for every $1,000 in taxable value. The cost for a typical homeowner in Hillsborough County would be $281 a year, according to the school district.
Teachers would receive a salary supplement of $6,000 more a year. Support staff, including bus drivers and student nutrition workers, would receive $3,000 more a year.
Administrators, including principals and assistant principals, would receive $6,000 more a year.
"I'm from Chicago, and teachers and employees down here are grossly underpaid, so I really believe that we should help teachers out," said Paul Anderson, a voter.
Voters in 25 of Florida's 67 counties have approved a millage referendum to provide additional funding to pay their teachers and support staff, according to the district's website. Those counties include Manatee, Sarasota, Pasco and Hernando counties.
"As a taxpayer, I hope most of us would want to pay a little bit more and keep the best teachers in our areas and support teachers because they're doing what's best for the students," said Camille Rutan, who lives in Sarasota County.
Some voters said the cost of living is too high, and now is not the time for a tax increase.
We spoke to people who are living on a fixed income.
"When you're on a fixed income, you have X amount of money coming in, and you're retired, and then they want to raise $300 on your property taxes, then they want to raise your homeowner's insurance another $2,000-$3,000. People that I know are retired are putting their houses up for sale," said one Hillsborough County voter.
The last time the referendum reached voters was in 2022. It was narrowly defeated.
The referendum requires a majority for it to pass in November.
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