NewsFlorida News


State of our Seas: Gulf Specimen Marine Lab


Across the state of Florida, our waterways are being impacted by a host of issues: rising temperatures, pollution, and development, among others. But some areas are feeling it more than most.

Reporter Sophia Hernandez and photojournalist Antony Sherrod traveled across the state for a special series of reports we are calling ‘The State of our Seas.’

In the Panhandle is where we find the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab.

It’s an environmental education center that started out in the 60s, originally to help research labs and schools better understand the ecosystems of the Panhandle.

It’s work that’s important now more than ever.

“It’s a little paradise, a little treasure all by itself, and it’s being threatened,” shared Jack Rudloe.

To some, Rudloe is a cynic.

He said, “Start treating the amazing lands that we have as the gems that they are. We are going to lose it, and I’m not real optimistic we are going to save it.

But to most, he’s a pioneer in the conservation community.

Rudloe explained, “You see a perfectly productive habitat full of fiddler crabs, and grass shrimp, and all that stuff. They are there one week, and then the next thing you know, it’s all ripped to pieces. It’s gone, and it’s turned into a big mud hole.”

Rudloe has written seven books on the region. The first few specifically focused on the landscape. He said the biggest driver has been development.

Sarcastically, Rudloe shared, “All good shape until man starts getting involved with it.”

He’s talking about the wetlands, the primary nursery for all things that come in and out of this region. Since the 70’s, Florida has passed extensive legislation to protect wetlands.

The Florida Wetlands program regulates “any dredging, filling, or construction in, on, or over waters and wetlands that are connected, either naturally or artificially, to ‘named waters’.” That includes the Gulf of Mexico, its estuaries, and lagoons.

But there are still problems.

Wakulla Springs is home to the creature from the Black Lagoon. One of the largest freshwater springs in the world has been around for more than 12 thousand years.

But in recent months, talks of putting a 16-pump gas station near the springs has sparked lots of pushback, from Rudloe included.

It’s caused the company to put a pause on their permits, “We’ve basically punched holes in the tires, so they are still going down the road going flop, flop, flop, and we are still losing habitat,” shared Rudloe.

He furthered, “But it’s still a fight.”

The fight also remains with runoff.

One example Rudloe shared is a new golf course, “They put in a spray field to fertilize the golf course, but where is that water going to go but into our aquifer and into our creeks, which is going to result in more fish kills.”

Like many things on the water, there’s the bad.

Sophia asked, “So now you don’t see seahorses anymore like you used to?”

Rudloe answered, “Not much, not like how you used to see them, no you don’t.”

And occasionally, there’s the good.

Loggerhead sea turtles like this blind one are threatened.

But their largest home is right here in the gulf where, thankfully, they are protected.

Rudloe stated, “All the nesting groups on Saint George Island, Alligator Point, Cape San Glass, they’ve done quite a bit.”

What Jack said is most important now is educating. That’s why he started the Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory and Aquarium, to show others just how vital these marine animals are.

He stated, “It’s such a big ocean, and there’s so (many) questions about what’s going on with individual species, you can’t come up with easy answers.”

But he’s doing his best to understand what he can and try to show others that leaving these critters and the place they call home alone, he believes, is best for everyone.