The average Florida teacher's salary has dropped to 50th in the country, according to a new report released by the National Education Association.
The average teacher pay in the state was ranked 48th out of 50 states and D.C. just last year before it dipped yet again to the bottom of the pack.
The Florida Education Association (FEA) has been asking lawmakers to increase funding by $2.5 billion a year for the next seven years in order to address inadequate pay, as well as to hire more mental health specialists and support the academic needs of students.
According to FEA, 77% of school districts pay a starting salary below $50,000.
A Hardee County grandmother is on trial this week for leaving her 7-month-old granddaughter in a hot car where the baby died —the second grandchild to die under Tracey Nix's care. ABC Action News I-Team Reporter Kylie McGivern sat down with Kaila Nix just days ahead of her mother's trial for aggravated manslaughter.