PORT CHARLOTTE, Florida (WBBH) -- The tip jar a man is accused of stealing at the Metro Diner in Port Charlotte was more than just money, it was a sign of hope for one worker. Deputies are asking for your help to identify the thief.
"I can’t get that image out of my head," said Karen Yen, the managing partner for Metro Diner. "I keep looking at the video, I drive around town to see if I can see him."
"Unfortunately, we can’t trust individuals anymore, it’s horrible," said Jennie Klugerman, a server at the diner.
It's been one week since the man walked into the establishment and stole a tip jar that had around $2,000. The diner is raising money for the kitchen manager, who had her baby two months early.
"The police have been here a couple of times already," Yen said.
After stealing the tip jar, the man rode away with it on his bike. Workers are still in shock, especially since this man spent at least 15 minutes reading the sign about who the money is supposed to help — a new mom going up to Sarasota to see her child in the neonatal intensive care unit.
"After you read that sign, how could you possibly take that money?" Yen said. "Obviously, the gentleman needed it, but the baby needs it more."
The diner is still collecting money but putting cash in a safe place so no one can steal it.
"It’s just sad that this is what we had to do," Klugerman said.
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