

Black bear spotted wandering around UCF campus

and last updated

Authorities say a black bear has been spotted on the University of Central Florida campus.

UCF police say a security camera captured the animal Wednesday heading toward an outdoor table near Knights Plaza. No direct contact with humans has been reported. It wasn’t clear where the bear went.

Police released a warning to students, encouraging them to remain alert of their surroundings and to be aware of how to react if they see a bear. Officials say students should never approach, feed or intentionally attract a bear.

Authorities say black bears are typically quiet and shy, but they are wild animals and potentially dangerous.

The UCF Police Department sent out the following alert to students: 

The UCF Police Department has received a report of a bear sighting on campus near Knights Plaza.

Bears are typically quiet and shy, but they are wild animals. It is important to remain alert of your surroundings and to be aware of how to react should you see a bear. Never approach or surprise a bear, and do not feed or intentionally attract them. 

If you encounter a bear at close range, remain standing upright, back up slowly and speak to the bear in a calm, assertive voice. Make your presence known, but do not make any sudden or abrupt movements. Back slowly into a safe, indoor place, and be sure the bear has an obvious escape route. 

Do not turn your back, play dead, climb or run. Also avoid direct eye contact, which can be viewed as aggressive. 

For more information, visit

If you spot a bear, contact UCF Police at 911.