

Is this the same slick restaurant cash crook?

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Earlier this week we shared surveillance video, that according to management at La Septima Cafe in Brandon, shows a customer scamming a cashier out of $20.

Well it looks like the thief is at it again.

“I was looking at the security camera, and I was like, "Hey, it’s that guy. That’s the guy we saw on the news,'” said Tony Pullaro, Datz Delicatessen’s marketing manager.

At Datz in Tampa, they are known for great food and clever signs. 

They also trust their customers.

“We tend to believe the best and don’t want to accuse anyone,” said Pullaro.

But Thursday, when the register came up short, Pullaro checked surveillance video and found a crook.

It shows a man ordering a drink at the desert bar. He’s given change, but you can see him slip something Pullaro believes is $20 in his pocket. He then tell the cashier about the so-called mistake. 

“The gentleman was actually very charming and polite,” said Pullaro.

The slight of hand worked, and the guy walked out with the extra cash.

And Pullaro says it's likely the same person who ripped off La Septima in Brandon just two days earlier. He was aware of that theft because his sister-in law’s family owns that restaurant, and he has "no doubt" it was the same guy.

“Same hand motion, same everything. Really sneaky,” he said.

At the end of the day, Pullaro says it’s not just about the money, but he wonders how many other places this restaurant robber has hit.

“We definitely want people to understand. It’s 20 bucks. It’s out of someone's pocket. The repercussions, he’s probably not thinking about the person on the other end,” said Pullaro.

Tampa police are investigating. Now that there’s even more video, workers at both restaurants are hoping someone will recognize him.
