

15-year-old girl charged after stabbing another student at a Bay area high school

Posted 2:04 PM, Mar 28, 2017
and last updated 9:47 PM, Mar 28, 2017

A high school student was stabbed by another student at Chamberlain High School in Tampa.

Tampa Police said a 15-year-old girl is in custody after the stabbing another 15-year-old girl around 9:30 a.m.on Tuesday.

The girl with the knife has been charged with aggravated battery, possession of a weapon on a school campus, and carrying a concealed weapon.

The girl was stabbed with a steak knife in the upper body. She was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries, according to police.

The school was placed on a five minute lock down while police investigated, said Tanya Arja, spokeswoman for Hillsborough County School.

At this point, it is unclear what the confrontation was about, but the incident happened between classes.

Police say no other students were involved.

The school resumed a regular schedule as police and school officials investigated.

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