BRADENTON, Fla. — This month, Manatee County EMS crews are not only saving lives during emergency calls but they want to keep helping save lives even after the call ends.
For 10 years, every October, Manatee paramedics and EMTs have been giving back to those who are fighting breast cancer.
Each year, during Breast Cancer Awareness month, the EMS department sells pink t-shirts to employees who wear them all month long.

"Everybody knows somebody. Whether it be a family friend, co-worker, or relative who has experienced breast cancer," said Caitlyn Roskovich, a charge paramedic with Manatee County EMS.
The goal is to not only raise awareness but also raise money for people who have suffered from breast cancer.
"As EMS, our job is to save lives. So being a partner in Breast Cancer Awareness Month gives us the opportunity to save potentially other people’s lives by the donation we’re getting from the shirts," said Larry Luh, assistant chief for Manatee County EMS
In the last ten years, Manatee EMS crews have raised nearly $25,000 to help with medical bills for breast cancer fighters and survivors.
"It's just another way for us to give back to the community," said Luh.