

LPD: We're closing to finding vandals

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The Lakeland Police Department told a room packed with residents at a senior living facility that it's closing in on the two suspects who they believe are responsible for the vandalism to their cars early Monday morning.

Capt. Hans Lehman and Assistant Chief Ruben Garcia said investigators are following leads and hope to have an arrest soon.

Spokesman Gary Gross tells ABC Action News that a juvenile is in custody for other car burglaries and is a "potential suspect" in this case, but they're looking for others.

Early Monday morning someone smashed out at least 16 car windows, most of them in the parking lot to the senior facility, which is run by the Lakeland Housing Authority.

ABC Action News obtained surveillance video just discovered of the two people going from car to car causing the damage.

The housing authority also announced Thursday that it will be adding private security at its properties during the evening hours all summer to try to prevent similar situations from happening.

In the meeting on Thursday, residents addressed concerns about their safety and security.