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Lakeland Linder airport could offer commercial passenger flights by next summer

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Posted 1:42 AM, Dec 15, 2023

LAKELAND, Fla. — Travelers may soon be able to fly out of Lakeland for the first time in more than a decade.

Adrian Jackson and his wife often travel to Lakeland from North Carolina by car.

"Very much so. I'd be interested in flying as opposed to the nine-hour drive I just made today," Jackson said.

He said being able to catch a flight directly to Lakeland would not only be convenient, but it could save him money.

"It was a nine-hour drive, but I opted to split it up overnight. So not only it has taken me two days but overnight hotel room, overnight meals," said Jackson.

Travelers could soon take off from Lakeland Linder International Airport on commercial passenger flights.

Airport officials are seeking approval from city commissioners for an agreement with Avelo Airlines. If approved, Avelo would be the first commercial airline to operate out of Lakeland Linder in over a decade.

Airport officials project 1.6 million potential passengers to fly on it annually.

"Coming from those zip codes that are closest to our airport. We know that the service is not going to be at that level initially, but hopefully, that will target some of those areas that folks are looking to travel to," said Adam Lunn, Assistant Director of Lakeland Linder International Airport.

Airport leaders have not released details about which flights the ultra-low-cost carrier will be offering out of Lakeland. Lunn said first the airport needs to be updated to accept commercial passengers.

"The biggest change for us will be the passenger processing and all that entails. As everyone is familiar with, when you check-in for a flight you go through a security screening process. For us, it's getting our facilities ready for that and those policies and procedures in place," said Lunn.

Airport officials will request a $3.4 million loan from the city to upgrade the federal Transportation Security Administration's security screening area and add parking and safety zones on the ramp.

If approved at the city commission meeting on Dec. 18, the airline could offer flights starting summer 2024.

"The city hired an organization to help us search for an airline, so this has been going on for years. Right now, the time is right,” said Kevin Cook, Spokesperson for the City of Lakeland.