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Lake Wales leaders approve red-light cameras, speed detection in school zones

Red light cameras
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LAKE WALES, Fla. — Cameras will soon be installed in Lake Wales to catch red-light runners and those speeding in school zones.

Tiffany Randolph lives feet away from where a teen was hit and killed by a vehicle while waiting for the school bus last year. She’s also around the corner from Roosevelt Academy and said cars fly down her street constantly.

“All the time, every day, up and down. There is Roosevelt right here and people don't slow down. They don't even slow down for the buses,” said Randolph.

For years, Randolph has pushed city leaders to address speeding.

“Not just the school zone, they need it everywhere in Lakes Wales in this community,” said Randolph.

The City is now doing something about it. Commissioners just authorized a program to place speed-detection cameras in school zones.

“If it saves one child, isn’t it worth it?” Lt. Edward Palmer with Lake Wales Police Department said.

A traffic study done on Sept. 29, 2023, found that there were 2,036 incidents of vehicles traveling above the posted speed limit at Lake Wales High School.

The commission also voted to allow the installation of red-light cameras. They will be placed on Highway 27 and Highway 60, where officials and police believe would be most beneficial.

This will make Lake Wales the sixth city in Polk County to install cameras to catch red-light runners.

“If you don't slow down you could get into an accident or at the very minimum you’re going to get a ticket in the mail,” Palmer said.

City leaders are seeking bids from companies to operate the systems. They expect the cost of administering the program to be covered by ticket revenues.

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