ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A year after we brought you the story of a group seeking to have I-175 demolished because they said it separates South St. Pete from the rest of downtown, FDOT will hold a meeting to hear your voice on the I-175 Action Plan.
The groups looking to have the interstate demolished said it acts as a barrier wall.
"That is what this highway does, it divides and so we are stuck in this,” said Josette Green, the Vice President of the Cambell Park Neighborhood Association.
Green is advocating for major changes on I-175 that she said would reconnect Cambell Park to the rest of downtown.
“I want to see a beautiful inclusive boulevard that comes off from 275 down to grade level then moves the cars along,” Green said.
She explained she would like to see the roadway reconnect side streets and unify the city. She also pushes for lower speeds to protect children from car fumes and air pollution.
Green said. “We have two schools… plus a 33-acre park that all sit right on this highway.”
We have also heard concerns from drivers who do not want to see any massive changes that would shake up their commutes.
Monday afternoon drivers and community members have the chance to share their input with the Florida Department of Transportation.
Brian Hunter, with FDOT said they want your help determining what changes to make.
"What are those things they want us to look at. We are not going into it with any predetermined list of options to study,” Hunter said.
The open house is March 3rd from 3-7 pm at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus at 200 6th Ave. S, St. Petersburg, FL.
Marine veteran helping others after overcoming alcoholism and homelessness
“If I can do anything to help them get out of that pain and misery and suffering that they are going through, and if I can help them progress and move forward, that’s really all I want to do,” said Cameron Wright.