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Shaking paws and wagging tails in Gulfport Pet Mayor Race

Gulfport pet mayor race
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GULFPORT, Fla. — Politics can have its fair share of mudslinging, especially when the candidates are all dogs and cats. In Gulfport, there is an annual tradition of electing a pet mayor, and right now, they are in the middle of a highly contested race.

“This is our fifth year, and we couldn’t be more excited about it. We have 11 strong candidates running a tight race,” said Amanda Hagood with Gulfport Arts and Heritage, the organizers of the fundraiser. “One thing that endures is our love for our pets. This is a really pet-centric town, you go to any of our businesses, you walk down any of our streets.”

Campaign managers John and Whitney Williams had just moved to Gulfport and wasted no time entering their dog Luna into the race.

“I think it would be a real honor and privilege for Luna to be pet mayor because she stands on a platform of peace and love and gentleness and snacks,” said Whitney.

Then, there is Morgan Banno and her dog Dexter.

“Dexter is the all-around family dog. Everybody loves him, he’s super friendly, he loves fresh parks, clean walkways. He’s all about green environments,” said Bannon.

Charlotte Surf’s dog Stevie is a champion candidate for all pets out there living with a disability.

“She’s actually blind in one eye, but she feels that she sees the best in everyone. She’s got some important issues: expanded sniff zones, squirrel awareness,” said Surf.

Hagood said it’s going to be a tough decision for voters, but the good news is, you could vote for all of them if you like.

“All the dogs in the race, all the pets in the race, have the most amazing personality. Oftentimes, there are dogs in costumes,” said Hagood.

Each vote costs $1, and you can vote as much as you want because all money raised will be split among Gulfport Arts and Heritage and Friends of Strays animal shelters.

In fact, many of these candidates are actually rescues themselves, like Dumpster Jack.

“Dumpster Jack was found in a dumpster, and through a friend, he landed in my lap. I was ready for a new dog, and he was ready for a new human,” said owner Eagle Finegan.

In the past, more than $6,000 was raised during this fundraiser. Hagood said one day, they are hoping to eclipse $10,000.

“We have so many animals at Friends of Strays that desperately need help, and this is one of the ways that we can raise money to provide medical services and get them ready for adoption,” said Dara Worthington with Friends of Strays.

Voting is open from now until Feb. 20, with a special wagging-in ceremony on Feb. 22. You don’t have to live in Gulfport to participate

You can vote online or in person at one of more than a dozen ballot boxes located in businesses across town.

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