NewsPinellas County


Pinellas School Board to discuss school discipline and student behavior at Tuesday's workshop

Pinellas County Schools.png
Posted at 8:26 AM, Jun 25, 2024

PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. — At Tuesday’s Pinellas County School Board workshop, district staff will give an update on school discipline, student behavior and school climate.

The updated data shows in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions and reassignments are up—while referrals are down by 114 for 2023-2024 compared to 2022-2023.

According to the data broken down by ethnicity and gender, Black males received the most referrals at 12,616. The next closest were white males at 10,583, followed by Black females at 6,893.

The top reasons for out-of-school suspensions are:

  1. Minor fights
  2. Defiance of authority 
  3. Simple battery
  4. Classroom disruption 
  5. Major fights

The board is also set to discuss creating a system to address behaviors of varying degrees and strengthening support at schools.