ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — A new, 167-page report details St. Petersburg’s findings over the past few years about the environmental concern of residents in the Childs Park neighborhood.
Residents there have been complaining about a foul odor that comes and goes for decades. “When you first covered the story, I talked about working at Fairmont Park Elementary and smelling the odor from leaving one wing and going into the next and then asking staff, ‘have you smelled this before?’ And just learning that people have smelled it for years,” said Caprice Edmond, Pinellas County School Board member.
The report alludes to a 2007 strategic plan that said the industrial businesses in the middle of the community are leading to a deterioration of visual character and a significant decline in property values. It also stated there is a lack of adequate buffering between businesses and local homes. “If there’s anything going on and we’re lacking the adequate buffers or cleaning filtration or system to even sense what’s going on within the community, that’s problematic,” said Edmond.
The report also said that with the information that is available, there is no evidence that the businesses in the industrial corridor are emitting pollutants at a level that would be harmful to health, but that more air quality studies must to be conducted to be sure.
City Council members will meet on Thursday to receive a copy of the report. Caprice said she is optimistic that they are heading in the right direction in solving this decades-long problem. “With the light being shined on this problem that people will address the issue,” said Edmond.
If you're a resident of Childs Park and you smell something, you can fill out the Smell Something, Say Something campaign or call the Pinellas County Air Quality Division at (727) 464-4422.