NewsPinellas County


Gulfport businesses partner for Valentine's Day to boost sales and spread love

Gulf Orchids and Culinary Empathy are partnering to create a Valentine's Day bundle.
Gulf Orchids
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PINELLAS COUNTY, fla — Two local small businesses are teaming up to spread love this valentines day. They are also hoping this collaboration will boost business. This comes after many businesses in Gulfport were hit hard during the hurricanes.

Now, Gulf Orchids and Culinary Empathy are working together to pair flowers and chocolate-covered strawberries together. This comes after both businesses saw a major dip in sales after the back-to-back hurricanes.

They said business has been hard since then, as the entire community is still recovering.

That is why they wanted to work together to provide a local option for people to shop this Valentine's Day. They say they are searching for strength in partnership.

“We are only successful if our neighbors are successful," James Higginbothan from Gulf Orchids said.

Higginbotham provides fresh-cut flowers and heart-shaped plants. James West from Culinary Empathy is pairing those plants with chocolate-covered strawberries. He tells me his love for food is what brought him through the hurricane recovery.

“It looked like things were at their bleakest… My passion for food is whats driven me,” West said.

As the entire community still recovers these two small businesses are finding strength in partnership.

"As we came through the hurricanes and cold winter, it's nice to be able to build each other up and partner," Higginbothan said.

Meanwhile, West echoed that thought. He said, “I think the cost of paradise is often the angst of what's next, but it's also that sense of community of let's ban together. Let's see what we can get done."

"I'm not a drag on the system."
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