NewsPinellas County


Donations help make sure kids at Johns Hopkins All Children's get Christmas gifts

Johns Hopkins

More than 250 families at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital were able to take part in the annual All Kids Wonderland this past weekend.

It's a pop-up toy show so kids, even if they're in the hospital, are able to still get in the Christmas spirit.

The toys are made possible through donations and volunteers who gift wrap the items for the parents.

The event may be over but you can still help as toys are needed all year to support the kids at Johns Hopkins All Children's.

Donate Toys or Make a Monetary Donation

Purchase items through the Child Life Amazon Wish List to have toys shipped directly to the hospital and minimize handling.

Donate cash to allow the Child Life team to shop for goods for specific populations.

Due to infection prevention protocols, any gently used toys/items will be donated to another organization in our community that serves children.