NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. — New Port Richey may be turning 100 years old, but Pasco County’s biggest city has made some major progress in the last 10.
“Back in the 80s and 90s, I got downtown. I knew everybody in town. I go downtown now, I don’t know everybody. Maybe a third. Maybe even a quarter because we have so many people coming in,” said New Port Richey Mayor Chopper Davis.
That includes many new businesses in a downtown that once didn’t have much to offer.
The centerpiece is the renovated Hacienda Hotel, a destination for silent film stars in the 20s that helped give New Port Richey the nickname Hollywood of the East.
Davis says the city has old bones.
“Some of the structures are close to a hundred years old, and they are something the other communities don’t have,” said Davis.
New Port Richey officially turns 100 on October 27th, but the celebration begins Saturday with music and fireworks at Simms Park.
There will be dozens of events culminating with a drone show.
Kids can also get involved with an essay contest focused on the city’s past.
“It’s a great opportunity for our youth to learn about our richness and the history of New Port Richey and to really do a deep dive and to learn more about it so they appreciate where we’ve come from and be able to apply it to the future,” said New Port Richey Library Director Andi Figart.
The anniversary logo was picked as part of a contest.
The winning entry pays homage to some of the city’s landmarks and its place along the Cotee River.
New Port Richey also added a giant sign off U.S. 19 to let people know there is a lot new to check out.
“The city will no longer stand still. The city will continue to advance and it will advance at a much quicker pace than it has in history. And I think that we will even surprise ourselves where we end up in New Port Richey," said City Manager Debbie Manns.
Gasparilla Pirate Fest brings an invasion of pirates and a big boost to the local economy in a typically down month in business.