

New Port Richey community picking up the pieces after Hurricane Helene

NPR flood damage
and last updated
  • Residents of New Port Richey are left picking up the pieces after floodwaters destroyed homes and businesses.
  • The Rotary Club of Holiday and dozens of volunteers are teaming up to help rebuild all they've lost by collecting donations at the Collaboratory in downtown New Port Richey.
  • Volunteers served more than 600 meals to people in need on Sunday alone.
  • If you're interested in helping, contact the Collaboratory across from the Chamber of Commerce as organizers said there are about 40 homes they still haven't been able to get to.

"I'm not a drag on the system."
A woman said she hasn't been able to shower or get out of bed ever since a car accident left her paralyzed from the chest down, and Medicaid denied claims for the medical gear she needs

Paralyzed Florida woman says Medicaid denied essential medical gear