SAN ANTONIO — People in San Antonio say they love the small-town feel that is still here.
“It looks like a Norman Rockwell type of scenario that a lot of places these days try to create a town center, and we’ve got the real thing,” said Beth Reynolds-Tillack.
The City Park in San Antonio is that center with the old post office, a church, a school, and even the mayor’s house surrounding it.
And while development outside the small town booms, City Commissioner Blaze Drinkwine said many are doing their best to hold on its heritage.
“When I moved here, Mirada didn’t exist. So the lagoons that everybody talks about now, those weren’t here. We live right outside of that big bustle, so we have this beautiful gem here,” said Drinkwine.
Many traditions have been going on for decades.
Like these giant-sized Christmas cards in the park, sponsored by locals and businesses.
There is also the Christmas nativity scene.
One of the many areas the Founders Garden Club maintains.
“Some of the current members are daughters and granddaughters of the past members, which is really special,” said Reynolds-Tillack, president of the Founders Garden Club.
But Drinkwine has plans for the coming year to bring people together even more.
“We are really celebrating America’s heritage. What brings us together after a very heightened political state. We want to take all of that away. We want to do community events. We want to do chili cookoffs, talent shows, really just emphasize what we just experienced and stuff that brings us all together,” said Drinkwine.
San Antonio is just outside Dade City in Eastern Pasco County. The area was once full of orange groves.
“And then multiple freezes, that changed that. Then, it turned to pine groves and nurseries. And lots of cool things were happening. And then that stopped, and now we grow houses,” said Judy Kendrick.
Changes are happening all around San Antonio. More and more people are moving to the area.
But there are still family owned businesses like Jiffy Food and Deli.
“The town is growing. A lot of stuff going on around here,” said Jaman Alhasan.
And while newcomers are welcome, there is still hope to keep this hidden gem… hidden.
“This is a wonderful place. But don’t tell anybody,” said Kendrick.
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