Honoring the life of a friend and colleague is the goal of an upcoming race in Holiday.
It's called Angela's Turtle Trot. It's a 10K, 5K and one-mile run that starts at Anclote Gulf Park. It takes place Saturday, April 22. The first race is at 10 a.m.
Angela Fagan worked for Pasco County Parks and Recreation and was one of the millions of people who died from complications associated with COVID-19.

Fagan's colleagues Deanna Baltimore, the assistant recreation manager, and Kimberly Miller, the adaptive and inclusion recreation coordinator, explained what the race means to them.
"Angela was, like she said, an integral part of our parks recreation, natural resource department. And rather than honor her with a bent or some small memorial, we wanted something that would happen every year and truly, truly encompass what she was passionate about, again, which was sea turtles, the beach. She loved boating with her family in the Gulf of Mexico. And she loved adaptive and inclusive, inclusive recreation."
Run, walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery here in Holiday for the special event.

Proceeds will go to the Florida Aquarium turtle rehab center and the Angela Fagan Memorial Fund, which provides adaptive and inclusive programming.
Registration cost starts at $20 and is open until Friday at 11:59 a.m.