CLEARWATER, Fla. — Two weeks from now, the rock group Cheap Trick will take the stage at this brand-new amphitheater called The Sound.
And with it, a redesigned Coachman Park will open to the public in downtown Clearwater.
“I’m so excited to watch it come alive with the people and visitors of Clearwater.”
Catherine Corcoran, the city of Clearwater’s senior landscape architect, has been a part of the design team from the beginning.
“We’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. The idea first came into existence a little more than a decade ago, so this has been a long time coming. This is more than we could have ever dreamed of,” she said.
The struggle to transform this waterfront location in downtown Clearwater has gone on for decades.
But the city’s mayor, Brian Aungst Sr., said the $84 million facelift will give people a reason to come here.

“And especially to connect our beach. With the ferry service from the beach, we are now going to be interconnected with our tourism industry and our folks that want to get off the beach for a day. Give them something else to do. I think it’s going to be a catalytic project for downtown,” said Aungst.
The Sound has covered seating for 4,000 people and lawn space for another 5,000.
And the park has lots of open space for events and places to admire the intercoastal view.
“Whether or not there’s a concert going on, all those spaces are remaining totally open. We have a lot of family-friendly areas. A splash pad, playground, picnic pavilions, walking paths, plazas for things like farmers markets and art shows and all kinds of stuff like that,” said Corcoran.
“I’ve been fortunate to travel the world. I’ve never seen anything like this on the waterfront with so many different features for everybody,” said Aungst.
There is more new development still to come, with plans for a hotel, apartments, and a parking garage.