TAMPA, Fla. — Whether you're guilty of it or annoyed when it happens, you've probably seen cars cruising in the left lane.
"I promise you a lot of people don't know what they doing down here. Including myself sometimes," said Janette Cornelius.
A new bill proposed in the Florida Senate could change when and how you use the far-left lane.
That goes for when you're in the furthest left lane on highways with multiple lanes and a speed limit of 65 or higher.
"I think it could be beneficial, but I feel like it would cause traffic because it's like taking away lane that a lot of people use that don't want to go, so it's just the traffic," said Daniela Gallaso.

There are a few exceptions when the left lane would be used under the bill. You can hop into the furthermost left lane when you're:
- overtaking or passing another car
- when you’re getting ready to exit
- or as directed by an official traffic control device
"I'm from Missouri, from Kansas City, Missouri. And I have drove or driven on the highway on the left lane, and I was pulled over for speeding. But he also mentioned the law of me driving in the left lane, that is not okay for emergency vehicles to get through," said Cornelius.
This is the third attempt at getting the bill passed.
In the state, it's recommended to use the left lane for passing only, but state statute also requires you to merge into the right lane for a faster-approaching car. That's regardless of the speed limit.
And while there's general support, many say they don't see the masses adapting to the change if passed.
"Anywhere really where traffic is crazy. I feel like that's why people use the left lane anyway to get where they need to go. So I feel like especially when there's backed up traffic, and people see an open lane," said Jordyn Clarkson.
The conversation will happen in Tallahassee during the legislation session. If passed, it will go into effect January 1, 2025. Any car in violation can be fined.