NewsHillsborough County


Project to restore historic Jackson House moving forward

Jackson House

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — Despite being on the verge of falling down, the historic Jackson House in Tampa may finally be moving forward with restoration.

The Jackson House has held a place at 851 East Zack Street in Tampa for more than 100 years. Now, it's dilapidated and falling apart. Members of the Jackson House Foundation said the building is on the verge of crumbling. 

“We’re at a phase now where the house is telling us, ‘I can’t wait on you guys anymore. Move,'" Carolyn Collins with the Jackson House Foundation said.

She said board members are working full speed ahead to save the house. They put out an RFQ or Request For Qualifications, looking for architects and engineers to work on the project. Collins said they are looking for a firm that has experience preserving historic landmarks similar to the Jackson House. 

Collins said that once they find a firm, the project plans can move forward.

The City of Tampa sent a statement in support of the project, stating, "Mayor Jane Castor and Tampa City Council members are eager to see progress on fortifying and preserving the Jackson House, and city officials have worked hard to help the foundation.”

Collins said it is crucial to preserve this huge piece of history.

“I think people fail because of lack of knowledge, and history is knowledge, so from that perspective, it's important for us to restore history,” Collins said.

Collins explained the next phase is to put out a request for proposal. If this house falls down before changes are made, she said they will rebuild.

“We’re ready for our visitors.”
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