

Plan Hillsborough proposes reversible lane to fix traffic concerns in Brandon

and last updated

A planning commission tacked with finding solutions to traffic problems around the Bay area has one idea in Brandon, a reversible lane.

Plan Hillsborough hosted a community meeting Wednesday, May 17 with an independent consulting firm that presented the idea to use a reversible lane to ease congestion along Bloomingdale Avenue.

The idea would include using the center turn lane as a lane for traffic during peak hours of the day.

In April, Bloomingdale Avenue had five intersections that were on the top 25 list of worst intersections in the county based on accidents.

Several concerns included how drivers would make a left hand turn into businesses and residential areas.

The idea would be to replace a left turn with a right turn, then a U-turn.

The proposal is the very first step in a long process of how to fix the traffic concerns in the growing developments around Brandon.

"We've had a lot of plans come through this area that were promised," said Brian Bokor, "and they haven't been finished as promised."

Plan Hillsborough hopes to have their study on the reversible lane finished by the end of summer or by fall.

Other options include widening Lumsden Road to six lanes instead of four, which is a more costly option.

The independent study also found that there is potential for the area's congestion to get worse over time.

Plan Hillsborough is seeking feedback before the end of the study and before they can move forward to developing committees.

To give your feedback, there will soon be a comment form here.