HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. — Mattel released a brand new Barbie that represents someone with Down syndrome. We are already seeing the impact that representation is having on children in the Tampa Bay area.
Sophia Sullivan, 6, lives with Down syndrome. She smiled from ear to ear when she saw the new Barbie.

National News
Barbie releases new doll with Down syndrome
Her smile paints a picture of just how much this representation means to her and will mean to so many other children with Down syndrome.
Sohpia's father, Michael Sullivan, said it means the world that she can play with a doll that looks like her.

Barbie has represented beauty to young girls for decades. Mattel recognizes the impact of this. The company said its goal in releasing this doll is to enable children to see themselves in Barbie.
“Children’s early childhood experiences shape what they imagine to be possible, and it is important that they see themselves reflected in play,” Mattel said.
Sullivan said this will make a world of difference for both Sophia and her friends that also have Down syndrome.
“Barbie is a beauty standard, and when they see a Barbie doll with Down syndrome, I just see my daughter, and I see that now we are really representing the whole world,” Sullivan said.
While one doll may not impact everyone, Sullivan said it will instill a new level of confidence in Sophia, and that alone means the world.