TAMPA, Fla. — Explosions, shootings, and kidnappings. That’s what the people of Israel have been dealing with since Saturday. At the same time, Americans and the rest of the world have been glued to the TV and social media in shock and horror, watching the images coming out of Israel.
According to the White House, Palestine, and Israel the Palestinians launched the attacks in an effort to take back their land. It’s the same land they say was stolen from them after World War II.
“This has become a major barbaric slaughter of innocent people,” said Jonathan Ellis.
Ellis is a lawyer in Tampa and the chairman of the JCC Relations Council.
The attack sparked protests across the country, including in Tampa. People on both sides of this issue rallied in the same location Sunday. They kept things peaceful.
Ellis questions the reason for the attack, saying, “Is the goal of the Palestinian people to govern Palestinian people? Or is the goal to kill Israelis? If the goal is to kill Israelis, then it can’t have a level of just self-determination and self-government. There’s a difference.”
Ali Abdel-Qader organized the protest to show support for Palestine. He said they support the Palestine people because they are trying to write the wrongs that were done to them when their land was stolen from them.
“We stand in solidarity with the Palestinians who are resisting the blockade, resisting the occupation," he said.
Both Ellis and Abdel-Qader want the U.S. to help in some way.
“The U.S. aides Israel,” he said. “Israel is only capable of continuing its’ apartheid and its progression because the U.S. aids Israel.”
We asked both men the same question. Ellisa said, “The United States has been very clear on this. They will support Israel, particularly in this instance.”
Supporters on both sides of the issue said they hope there’s a peaceful end to the attacks. However, they don’t believe there will be an end in sight soon because the attacks are continuing.