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Mother and daughter arrested on animal cruelty and neglect charges in Citrus County: CCSO

Animal Neglect Citrus County

HOMOSSASA, Fla — A mother and daughter were arrested and more than a dozen animals were removed from their home after alleged animal neglect in Citrus County.

The Citrus County Sheriff's Office says that animal control was called 38 times to a home on West Akazian Lane in Homosassa for allegations of neglect and abuse at the residence. Citrus County Sheriff's Office says that animal control was working with the homeowner, Melissa Heward, to get all animals up to date on rabies vaccines and help with minor health issues.

animal neglect

On a return visit to the home in late February, Heward was mandated to provide medical care to three dogs with skin issues and hair loss, and she complied with the mandate, according to CCSO. She was also urged to decrease the number of dogs in her care.

Officers then returned to the home in June for a follow-up, and she surrendered three puppies and five cats. According to CCSO, animal control attempted to follow up with her on multiple occasions after the June visit, but she would refuse to let officers into the home, or they would find that no one was home.

Animal control returned to the home on August 15 after neighbors reported hearing frequent dog fights at the address. Melissa surrendered two more dogs but said that she had not gotten the remaining dogs' required rabies shots or cared for dogs with minor injuries in fights.

Officers returned to the home again on August 19 to check that medical care was being provided to the dogs. CCSO says that animal control was able to get into the home for the first time since June. CCSO said that the conditions in the home were worse than any previous visit and requested deputies come to the address.

Animal neglect

11 dogs and five cats were seized from the home. Two minor children were also living in the house and were removed from the house due to unfit and unhealthy living conditions, according to CCSO.

Melissa Heward was arrested on 10 counts of animal cruelty. Her daughter, Samantha Lynn Heward, 21, claimed ownership of the five cats and was arrested on animal cruelty charges involving the cats.

CCSO says that more charges may be pending.

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