

Secure delivery option in Bay area from Amazon


Since this past summer, Amazon has been installing 40 yellow Amazon Lockers around Tampa Bay where customers can keep their packages in a locked and secure location. 

The more than three dozen 'Kiosk' style locations are perfect timing, right before the busy holiday shopping period. 

Last year, 23 million Americans had packages stolen from their door step, according to

Amazon tells us, "Amazon Lockers are a safe, secure and convenient way for our customers to receive their Amazon packages and can do so at any time up to three business days after their order has been delivered to a Locker."

The yellow lockers are outside a variety of stores and areas. 

This image below shows how the process works: 

To use a locker, you don't have to be a Prime member, but an item has to be bought on the Amazon website.

You can also return a package to a locker as well. 

For more information on a locker near you go to