Republican Laurel Lee beat Democrat Alan Cohn in the race for Congressional District 15 on Tuesday night.

The seat was regarded as the most competitive race for congress in the state. The I-4 corridor is at the center of the newly drawn Florida Congressional District 15.
At the time of publication, Lee beat Cohn on Tuesday with a total of 140,237 votes over his 99,435 votes.
Lee is a former prosecutor and judge who served as Governor Ron DeSantis' Secretary of State. Her platform draws from her experience.
“Going back to my time as a federal prosecutor, I saw firsthand the critical work that the men and women of law enforcement do to keep our community safe," Lee said. "As a judge, I spent many years in family court, and so I recognize the challenges that face our community and how important it is that we empower families and take care of them."
The winner represents the voters of Northeast Hillsborough, Southeast Pasco, and a small portion of Polk County. The new district, created during the once-a-decade redistricting process, is the most purple of all the congressional races in the Tampa Bay area.
“There are only two districts that are considered competitive, and this is number one. If you just look at registration, the registration is pretty equal,” ABC Action News Political Analyst Dr. Susan MacManus said.
Dr. MacManus said Florida’s Congressional District 15 race was being watched very closely because it could decide which party controls the House.
“This district is part of the equation. Republicans say, 'Hey, we have to have this. This is a great way to flip the House.' Democrats are saying, 'We got to really hold this district because we don’t want to lose control of the House,'” Dr. MacManus said.