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Pedestrian safety group demands safety changes to Bay to Bay Blvd.


A pedestrian safety group is writing an open letter to the mayor, demanding immediate safety changes to Bay to Bay Boulevard.

President of Sidewalk Stompers Emily Hinsdale said she has had enough close calls on the stretch of road along Bay to Bay. The intersections along Himes and Concordia are her major concerns.

“I am in favor of not having people die on this road. I would like to have this road changed before someone is badly injured or killed,” Hinsdale said. “I was just a couple feet away from a driver running a red light this morning so it very nearly was me this morning. I would prefer to not have it be myself, my children, and my neighbors.”

“When I first moved here, I was riding my bike all over and after one bike trip up Bay to Bay, and I stopped riding my bike on it completely,” Elizabeth Corwin said.

In an open letter to the mayor, the group Sidewalk Stompers lists 3 accidents that it said happened in recent weeks.

Leading pedestrian intervals have been installed to offer a head start to pedestrians crossing the street and change is coming, as travel lanes will be narrowed and a buffer between the sidewalk & cars will be installed next year. But the group believes more should be done.

“We would favor very strongly a center turn lane to give a clear sight line to drivers turning and drivers going forward,” Hinsdale said.