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New 4-lane road in Pasco County connects drivers to I-75

Posted 10:37 PM, Jul 09, 2019
and last updated 3:33 PM, Jul 10, 2019

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — A brand new, six-mile stretch road now open in Pasco County will connect drivers to Interstate 75.

ABC Action News was invited to a tour with county officials and media outlets from across the area to see the new four-lane road.

The construction on the road began in February 2017 and cost just under $60 million.

According to FDOT, "the new six-mile long, four-lane divided roadway includes a 10-foot wide multi-use trail on the south side of the road, a five-foot wide sidewalk on the north side of the road and seven-foot wide bicycle lanes on the shoulders in each direction."

The intersections on Morris Bridge Road and U.S. 301 both have new signalized intersections to help drivers across.

A spokesperson for FDOT said once opened, motorists should expect both daytime and nighttime lane closures throughout the work zone while the team finishes the last details of the project.

County Commissioner Ron Oakley said this is the first road with more than two lanes in east Pasco.

"We've got plenty of two lane roads," he said. "We're redoing 54 over here with all the construction, to be four lane."