CLEARWATER, Fla. — Construction begins Monday, July 26 on the city of Clearwater’s Cleveland Street Streetscape Phase III and Festival Core project. Drivers can expect delays and lane shifts as the safety and beautification project on Cleveland Street and Gulf to Bay Boulevard begins, according to city officials.

Traffic will continue in both directions and access to business and residential driveways will be maintained.
All businesses will remain open throughout the project planned for completion in January 2023.
Bus stop locations may also shift and will be clearly marked. Work will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the project.
Construction begins Mon 7/26 on the Cleveland Street Streetscape Phase III & Festival Core project. Work will take place Mondays to Fridays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the project. 🚧👷🏗️🧱
— City of Clearwater, FL (@MyClearwater) July 23, 2021
The city of Clearwater will be making improvements to roadways on Cleveland Street from Missouri Avenue east to San Remo Avenue and on Gulf to Bay Boulevard from Cleveland Street southeast to Court Street/Highland Avenue.
Some of the reconstruction, streetscape, and Festival Core Improvements include:
• Replacement of underground utilities (water, stormwater, and sewer).
• New sidewalks, bike lanes, safer intersections, and turn lanes.
• Enhanced stormwater treatment planting areas and extensive landscaping.
• Reconfiguration of on-street parking.
• Development of flexible public festival core space at the intersection of Cleveland Street and Gulf to Bay Boulevard.
The project will consist of four phases. Access to businesses and residences will be maintained to the greatest extent possible and individuals occupying affected properties will be notified ahead of work in their area, according to the City of Clearwater.
PHASE 1 | August 2021-October 2021
• Closure of Hillcrest Avenue between Cleveland Street and Gulf to Bay Boulevard.
• Gulf to Bay Boulevard from Court Street to Cleveland Street.
• Cleveland Street from S. Missouri Avenue to N. Hillcrest Avenue.
• San Juan Court from Gulf to Bay Boulevard to S. Hillcrest Avenue.
PHASE 2 |November 2021-August 2022
• West Side of Gulf to Bay Boulevard from Cleveland Street to Court Street.
• A) North Side of Cleveland Street from S. Missouri Avenue to N. Lady Mary Avenue.
• B) North Side of Cleveland Street from N. Lady Mary Avenue to N. Hillcrest Avenue.
• Festival Core: a new public plaza at the intersection of Cleveland Street and Gulf to Bay Boulevard.
PHASE 3 | September 2022-December 2022
• East Side of Gulf to Bay Boulevard from Court Street to Cleveland Street.
• South Side of Cleveland Street from N. Hillcrest Avenue to S. Missouri Avenue.
PHASE 4 | January 2023
• Lane closures for final pavement throughout the project.