

ZooTampa reopens, reservations recommended

Posted 8:00 PM, May 19, 2020
and last updated 6:39 PM, May 29, 2020

TAMPA, Fla. — ZooTampa at Lowry Park has reopened and it recommends making a reservation to guarantee you can get in.

According to the zoo, reservations are on a first-come and first-serve basis. Click here to make a reservation and/or buy tickets.

RELATED: ZooTampa taking steps to protect animals and people during reopening

The zoo had been closed since March 29 before reopening May 29.


The zoo's announcement comes as Florida is in "Full Phase 1" of Governor Ron DeSantis' plan to reopen the state.

The current iteration of Gov. DeSantis' plan allows many businesses to reopen at either 25 or 50 percent capacity. ZooTampa is looking to reopen at 50 percent capacity.

ZooTampa announced it will make the following adjustments in reopening the zoo*:

  • Limiting the number of Zoo guests to 50% of comfortable capacity
  • Six feet or more social distancing will be required and enforced
  • Based on current state guidelines, restricting the Zoo’s limited indoor venues to 50% of capacity, emphasizing outdoor seating, with staff supervision
  • Adding safety and thermal monitoring stations at our single point of entry, hiring on-premise EMTs
  • All ZooTampa employees will be required to wear masks when in the park
  • Guests are strongly encouraged to wear masks, and ZooTampa will provide masks free of charge
  • Guests participating in Signature Encounters will be required to wear masks
  • Enforcing constraints to prevent the congregation of any group of more than 10 people
  • Restricting close contact in the park through clear and enforced physical distancing guidelines
  • Communicating new safety protocols with mandated training for every Zoo employee
  • Zoo School, our on-site Childhood Education Center to follow the Department of Children & Family and Hillsborough County childcare licensing guidelines with an anticipated opening of mid-June
  • Shift the start of Zoo Camp to start the week of June 22

*= Information taken from ZooTampa's website.

Below are the businesses allowed to reopen in Gov. DeSantis' plan: