

Manatee County rolls out COVID-19 vaccine to people 65 and older, appointment times quickly filled

Posted 12:02 PM, Dec 29, 2020
and last updated 2:00 PM, Dec 30, 2020

MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. — The Manatee County Department of Health is now vaccinating people who are ages 65 and older. However, appointments are needed and filled up quickly as the location at the Public Safety Center.

Other counties in Central and Southwest Florida have begun vaccinating the 65+ community.

Although the distribution dates and locations will change in the coming weeks, the immediate plan is to offer vaccinations beginning on Wed., Dec. 30 for up to 300 seniors per day by appointment at the Public Safety Center located at 2101 47th Terrace East in Bradenton.

Starting on Friday, they will open a location at Tom Bennett Park in Bradenton and distribute 500 vaccines a day.

So far, an appointment will be required while supply is limited.

Last week, Governor Ron DeSantis made it so the 65+ community can start getting vaccinated, along with frontline health workers, people in long-term care facilities and extremely vulnerable hospital patients.

The county says you do not have to be a resident to receive the free Moderna vaccine.

The requirements are you must make an appointment online.
You must be able to prove you are 65 or older.
You must be able to return to receive the second vaccine in 28 days.

Appointment times sold out in the first hour they were made available on Tuesday morning but county leaders say to keep checking back hereas more times will open up.

Manatee County is asking the community to have patience with the process.