Disclaimer: This is sponsored content. All opinions and views are of the advertiser and do not reflect the same of WFTS. Advertiser: United Way Suncoast
United Way Suncoast is teaming up with pro football defensive tackle Vita Vea to promote the launch of this year’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program.
The lighthearted campaign not only promotes the availability of free tax preparation services but also draws attention to the program’s vital role in fostering financial stability across the region.
Households must have earned less than $79,000 to be eligible. Any household that qualifies can visit UWSVITA.org or call 1-833-897-8482 to make an appointment at one of our VITA sites across Hillsborough, Pinellas, Manatee, Sarasota & DeSoto counties.
To make its services even more accessible, United Way Suncoast is hosting two Saturday Tax-A-Thons that are open to any resident from its five-county region:
- Saturday, February 15 — 8 am to 8 pm at HCC Dale Mabry Campus (4001 W Tampa Bay Blvd in Tampa)
- Saturday, February 22 — from 9 am to 4pm at the Robert L Taylor Community Complex (1845 34th St in Sarasota)