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The holiday shopping season is upon us! For some help selecting that perfect gift we're going straight to the expert. Today, we're joined by our parenting contributor Carly Dorogi with her top picks. For more information, visit CarlyOnTV.com or connect with Carly on IG: @CarlyDorogi
Featured products:
- Olay - olay.com/uplaterebate.com [olay.com]
- Moose Games
- Bluey Hide and Seek - Available at Walmart [walmart.com]
- Bluey Keepy Uppy - Available at Amazon [amazon.com], Target [target.com] & Walmart [walmart.com]
- Bluey Scavenger Hunt - Available at Amazon [amazon.com], Target [target.com] & Walmart [walmart.com]
- Tonies Tonies.com [tonies.com] and Target
- Begin All three kits for a special holiday price of $90.00 at beginlearning.com [beginlearning.com]
- Guardian Bikes - guardianbikes.com [guardianbikes.com]