"Jeopardy! Masters,” by the “GOAT” Ken Jennings, is the latest iteration of America’s Favorite Quiz Show. It premieres today, Monday, May 8, at 8 p.m. EST.
Each hourlong episode of the new series will showcase the six highest-ranked current “Jeopardy!” contestants, with two action-packed and high-stakes games. Audiences will follow along as Amy Schneider, Matt Amodio, Mattea Roach, Andrew He, Sam Buttrey, and James Holzhauer go head-to-head for the grand prize and the title of “Jeopardy! Masters” Champion.
Ken Jennings is the host of the “Jeopardy! Masters” tournament. In 2004, he successfully auditioned for a spot on the show and went on an unprecedented 74-game victory streak worth $2.52 million.
For more information, visit ABC.com/Jeopardy-Masters.