

Man accused of kidnapping his estranged wife linked to a local troubled pool company

Premier Pools blames Trevor Summers for trouble

Premier Pools resumed work on multiple jobs after the I-Team started asking questions in February. Premier Pools’ license holder Steve High blamed former President Trevor Summers for the work stopping on more than a dozen projects.

RELATED: Customers say they are fed up months after spending a fortune on pools that sit unfinished

Summers, jailed last week for kidnapping his estranged wife in Valrico, awaits sentencing for his conviction on federal fraud charges last fall in Pennsylvania.

Mario Pineo says the company recently returned to work on his pool. We found a cement pond in Jason Peter’s back yard in February, 8 months after he signed a six figure contact. But as promised Premier returned last month and finished the job.

Since our visit to Karla Strefling’s home the company has installed pavers around her pool.

But not all is well. Customers continue to report little progress and in at least two cases homeowners have been hit with liens over unpaid subcontractors and suppliers.

Premier pools told us in this email it will continue to work on the completion of these jobs.

“We have been making a great deal of progress on almost all of our projects, there are a few that are held up by various permitting or legal issues but by and large work has resumed on all of our pools.”

Homeowners still waiting on more work to be done say it won't be soon enough.



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