PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — The pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives including the purchase of necessary household appliances. A Pasco county homeowner recently made a call for action to our Jackie Callaway after his new stove got lost in transit.
After 20 years, Zephyrhills homeowner Michael LaPlante decided to replace his old range, complete with stovetop coils, for a more modern appliance.
He bought a new range from Lowe’s for $1,00. It arrived in May but there was a problem.
“The box was crushed when they delivered it,” LaPlante said, discovering damage to the frame of the unit after it was unboxed.
Lowe’s delivery left the new oven for LaPlante to use while he waited on a replacement. He knew the pandemic caused delays in deliveries but still, he expected answers about the arrival of his new unit.
By August LaPlante still had no idea when his new stove would be delivered. Fed up, he made a call for action to Taking Action Reporter Jackie Callaway.
LaPlante said Lowe’s called him a day after Jackie emailed their corporate offices. And two days later, the retailer went above and beyond to make up for the stove saga for this customer.
LaPlante said they offered to give him a new stove and refund his money. And that is just what they did, turning him from a disgruntled consumer to a customer for life.