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Home alarm conman takes advantage of retired couple

Retired couple conned into paying for 2 alarms
and last updated

The home security system provides peace of mind for Rick and Mary Vock.

Mary noticed two debits a month started showing up on her checking statement weeks after a knock on the door. The salesman who showed up at their door last fall turned out to be the same guy who sold them the original Safeguard unit in 2015.

The Vocks say he told them there would be no charge for the upgrade and they had no reason to think he’d changed companies.

Turns out there was no upgrade. The salesman had switched companies and sold the Vocks a brand new system with a different carrier, GHS.

Mary said the charges left them overdrawn as they live on Social Security alone.

She called both companies repeatedly, but got nowhere.

So we contacted GHS and asked that they would investigate.

GHS responded in writing:

“In reviewing the accounting from the Vocks, it seems that the sales rep was working under the direction of a manager who was not acting ethically...He has been removed from the company...”

GHS then sent the couple a check for just over $2,000 to pay off the 5-year contract on their old alarm system. The Vocks plan to turn that money over to Safeguard so they'll only have one alarm payment from now on.