

What your dog can and can't eat on Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is here and with it comes turkey, stuffing and all sorts of desserts and side dishes. But while it's OK for humans to indulge in those items, the same may not be true for your furry friend.

Here's a roundup of what you can give Fido, and what you should keep away from your four-legged friend.


According to the American Kennel Club, it is totally OK for your dog to eat turkey — but make sure it's just the meat. Do not give your dog the turkey skin, stuffing or gravy.

"These foods often have additional spices, butter and other ingredients that are too rich for dogs and can cause pancreatitis or other digestive ailments," the AKC says. "Onions and garlic, in particular, can be very toxic to dogs."

In addition, don't let your pets have the turkey bones, as they can lead to choking. In addition, they "can be problematic for the digestive tract," according to the ASPCA.

Mashed potatoes

Unfortunately, your mom's mashed potatoes are a no-go for dogs. The butter and dairy is too rich for dog's bodies, according to the AKC. They also sometimes have other ingredients that are toxic to dogs, like garlic or spices, which is also why you shouldn't give your dogs any side dishes that have a variety of ingredients, like casseroles.

However, it is OK for Fluffy to have plain, cooked potatoes or sweet potatoes, just as long as they don't have anything else on them.

Rolls and bread

Plain white and wheat bread is generally safe for dogs to eat as long as you don't butter Fluffy's roll.

However, you should keep any uncooked dough away from your pooch.

"When a dog or cat ingests raw bread dough, the yeast continues to convert the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol," the ASPCA says. "This can result in bloated drunken pets, which could become a life-threatening emergency, requiring hospitalization."


Cooked, plain vegetables are actually a great treat for dogs, so feel free to give your pet pumpkin, peas, carrots, green beans, corn (off the cob) and celery, as long as they don't have any additional spices or ingredients (so no creamed peas or canned veggies).

But make sure nothing you give them contains raisins, grapes, scallions, onions, leeks or garlic, as these are all potentially toxic for dogs.

Cranberry sauce

While it's OK to give your dog plain cranberries, don't give them cranberry sauce or jelly. The iconic jellied concoction that adorns most Thanksgiving spreads is packed with sugar, and sometimes other ingredients, that aren't good for dogs.


It's OK to give your fuzzy buddy some plain fruits while you're baking, like apples, pumpkin or sweet potatoes. But don't give your pet any pie filling or cooked desserts, as they may contain ingredients that can be toxic for dogs.

"Plain cooked fresh pumpkin is fine to feed to dogs, but pumpkin pie filling often includes xylitol which is very toxic and potentially deadly for canines," AKC says. Xylitol is a sugar substitute found in many canned pie fillings and pre-packaged desserts, so be sure those are out of your dog's reach.

Also, don't give your pet anything with chocolate. It’s highly toxic — especially dark chocolate — and can stop a dog’s metabolic process, resulting in diarrhea, vomiting, seizures and even death.

In addition, make sure your pooch doesn't eat anything with raisins or grapes, as those are also bad for dogs.

Be prepared

As always, the best advice is just to do everything in moderation. It's OK to make sure your pet has a good Thanksgiving with their own mini feast of treats, just don't overdo it.

And should you pet accidentally eat something they weren't suppose to, you can reach the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-855-764-7661 or contact your local veterinarian.