

Tully's Tails: Professional Pets Florida

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Lauri Partanio is setting the standard in professional pet care.

Partanio runs Professional Pets Florida, something you don't even know exists until you need it. Her company allows pet owners with animals that have a disability or that are very sick to leave town with peace of mind that everything's going to be okay.

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“People need qualified people to take care of their animals just like they would want a registered nurse taking care of their elderly parents,” said Partanio.

Professional Pets Florida provides affordable care, but they still manage to give 10% of all their profits to local organizations every month. Partanio said that's important to her.

She recently held a photoshoot with several dogs, and after that shoot, all the dogs involved got adopted.

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“We work with really, really good people because the people that are seeking out this kind of care for their animal are like good-hearted people,” explained Partanio.

She said her company’s subtitle is setting the standard and professional pet care, and Partanio sure does that.

You can find out more about Professional Pets Florida by clicking here.

Don’t forget to share your rescue dog or cat stories on the Tully’s Tails Facebook Page. We might even share it on Good Morning Tampa Bay.