

Tully's Tails: Meet Bongo

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PINELLAS COUNTY, Fla. — Sherrie Morin’s Labrador Megan was the light of her life. One day during a walk an unspeakable tragedy occurred; Megan was bitten by a rattlesnake in St. Pete.

“She was walking right beside me. And when she jumped into the bushes, I thought she jumped on a lizard. She got poked, and there was a spot of blood on her,” explained Morin.

Emergency vet technicians gave Megan antivenin, but it was just too late. Morin said she thought she’d be picking up her Labrador a few days later, but Megan went into cardiac arrest.

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Morin relied on her faith to help her find a new companion.

“I looked at Megan's picture, and I said a prayer to God. I said, please, God, give me a sign that I'm doing the right thing,” said Morin.

Morin’s prayers were answered when she met Bongo the Border Collie from the Pinellas Human Society. They thought Bongo would never find a home, but Morin knew he was the perfect fit just by the way he greeted her.

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“He put his paws through the gate and wrapped them around my wrist, folded me into him and chewed on my ear,” explained Morin. That was the exact same way Megan used to greet her every day. “That was my sign from God that Bongo chewed on my ear. That was nine and a half years ago. He's never done it since.”

So now, more than nine years countless walks and countless boat trips later, Morin couldn't be more grateful for the bond she and Bongo have.

“I don't have a boyfriend. I don't have a husband. My family is at a distance. Megan was the only thing I had. And so when Bongo stepped in, he really felt like a huge vacancy in my life,” explained Morin.

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Don’t forget to share your rescue dog or cat stories on the Tully’s Tails Facebook Page. We might even share it on Good Morning Tampa Bay.