Community2025 Gasparilla Distance Classic


Couple racing in every state tackles Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic

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TAMPA, Fla. — Thousands of people are getting ready to run the Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic races this weekend. All runners have their own story as to why, whether they are trying to finish their first race or get a personal best time. One local couple is running the 8k this year and they are no stranger to races.

“What he’s not telling you. It’s Allen. We are Ellen and Allen,” said Ellen Kohn.

They first ran together in South Korea – Osan Air Base – a race on the base. Ellen Kohn taught for the Department of Defense, and Allen “Al” Kohn was in the Air Force. When they moved to Tampa, they found the Gasparilla Distance Classic.

“1984 — that’s the shirt. I just thought it was great and I kept going,” said Ellen Kohn.

Now, decades later, they have a new goal — a race in every state.

“We started it about three years ago, but we had a 19-state head start because Al was in the military and we moved around to a lot of states,” said Ellen.

“And now we are up to 48,” said Al.

Some, like West Virginia, stand out.

“That race, you had to decorate a cupcake as you ran the 5k,” said Al.

Others are about exploring new places.

“And the next weekend, we did North Dakota. And we probably never would have ventured into North Dakota, but we did,” said Ellen.

“What’s another memorable one?” asked St. Germain.

“Bridge of the Gods probably. Bridge of the Gods, you start in Washington state, and then you run over the Bridge of the Gods into Oregon, and then you run down the Columbia River Gorge,” said Ellen.

“And you said one was completely downhill?” asked St. Germain.

“Yeah, New Hampshire. They advertised it as the fastest 5k, and it just went downhill, so naturally, we did that one. We might do that one again. Kind of good for your ego,” laughed Ellen.

“We have two states left. One in Minnesota and one in Montana,” said Al.

But first, they are running the Publix Gasparilla Distance Classic 8k.

Oh, and another thing — they are extremely humble.

“In our age group we are both in the 70 to 74 age group,” said Al.

“We do okay, yeah…” said Ellen.

“She almost always wins her age group … well, it kind of depends,” said Al and Ellen.

“We finish pretty well overall,” said Ellen.

“Do you think running keeps you young?” asked St. Germain.

“I wish. It keeps us mobile. It keeps us going,” said Ellen.

“As Rocky said, time is undefeated so we are just trying to keep that from happening too soon and just keep going,” said Al.

“We’re ready for our visitors.”
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