TARPON SPRINGS — There is a family-friendly business in Tarpon Springs that is out of this world. It’s Astro Skate, a staple in the community since 1981. However, it’s more than just fun and games; it’s home to two championship teams.
Over the years, the artistic and speed skating teams have won their share of national and international medals. On the artistic side, competitions are similar to ice skating in the Olympics.
“We have free style or free skating, which is where they are doing jumps and spins, we also have dance where they have a specific set of music such as blues and tango playing where they have a set of steps,” said coach Jan Legassick.
Meanwhile, at speed skating practice, every student strives for the same goal: to be the fastest on four wheels.
“About 28 to 30 miles per hour, flying around for sure,” said coach Eric Licata.
Speed skater Emma Kuczora, age 12, said you have to be tough to compete.
“Yea, we do fall a lot, but we just try to get back up as fast as we can,” said Emma.
These skaters range from elementary school students to high school seniors. Lilly Grodszinsky, 17, has been on the artistic team for more than a decade. She said her favorite part is her teammates.
“Learning from everyone else on my team, like I see my friends do other cool tricks, so I can always learn from them too, and they learn from me too a lot,” said Lilly.
While 10-year-old Kira Vandine is just beginning her skating career. Her favorite part is picking the music.
“I have Alessia Cara, and it’s ‘How Far I’ll Go’ by Moana,” said Kira.
The skills being developed inside the rink can also be applied outside of it.
“Oh, absolutely, and I want them to carry on those good standards, those high goals, believing in yourself, those kinds of things that the youth need nowadays,” said Licata.
Both of these winning teams said none of their success would be possible without 40-plus years of dedication, support, and loyalty from Astro Skate.
“It’s my passion, it’s what I love doing the most; and I want it to grow as much as possible,” said Lilly.
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